What causes the diesel generator set to form a pull cylinder

Diesel generator set in the process of operation will produce different degrees of damage, sometimes the unit will appear cylinder failure, then what causes the formation of the cylinder, look at the following analysis.


During the operation of the diesel generator, the temperature of the unit will rise, and the high temperature is also a reason.

During the operation of the parts of the generator set, the degree of wear will be affected by all aspects, the lack of smoothness of the surface of the parts, the lack of lubrication and other factors will have an impact.

The gap between the piston and the cylinder liner of the unit is insufficient, and it runs under load, which has a serious impact on the unit.

The above is a brief introduction to the formation of the pull cylinder, if the unit has a pull cylinder failure, it is recommended to troubleshoot the problem from the above points.


For more questions about the generator set, please call the Beidou Power team. More than ten years of professional production and sales of power generation equipment experience, more professional engineer team to serve you, choose Beidou power is to choose rest assured, welcome on-site factory inspection.

Post time: Aug-02-2024