How to prevent the generator set from being burned

The application range of the generator set is very wide, and the corresponding rules should be observed in the usual use in order to protect the generator set. What measures can be taken to prevent the generator from burning out?


Generator in the use of the process to pay attention to the health of the surrounding environment, if too much impurities into the diesel generator, then it is easy to cause the unit short circuit, the insulation layer of the line is destroyed, the current becomes larger, the temperature of the unit rises, easy to cause the unit to be burned.


During the operation of the unit, check frequently, observe the operation status of the unit, check the vibration status of the unit, whether there is an abnormal taste, and discover the problem in advance in order to prevent the diesel generator set from being burned.


Check the three-phase current value of the generator set is not within the specified value, the error can not be too large, if the error value is too large, then it can not guarantee the safe operation of the unit.

Post time: Jul-29-2024