How to operate the generator set correctly

The technical operation of the generator is related to the service life of the equipment and stable operation. Different generator equipment, need to pay attention to the technical operating procedures are not the same. For beginners in generator operation, the manufacturer’s experience and suggestions can help you get started faster and not be caught off guard. Today, let me analyze for you:


1, before starting, should first check the condition of each department, during operation, do not work on the line and touch the high voltage line with the hand or cleaning work.

2, the use of long-term deactivated generator, should check the degree of coil insulation, insulation resistance should not be lower than the prescribed standard, otherwise must be dried before use.

3, the generator is not allowed to overload.

4, the switchboard should be kept clean, and the instrument should be checked regularly.

5, the fixed generator should be installed in the room, the bottom must be firm, the mobile generator in the generator before the operation of the foot pad should be solid and stable, and set up a canopy.

6, the body is set near the sand box or dry fire extinguisher and other fire prevention equipment, the fire generator should stop running first and then out.

7, the generator to the switchboard or to all electrical equipment at the wire, must be well insulated, the joint should be firm, with the pillar of the wire frame in the air, do not drag on the ground.

8, after the maintenance of the generator, before starting operation, it is necessary to check whether there are tools or other objects left between the rotor and the stator.

9, the operation of the operator shall not leave the generator, should pay attention to the sound of various parts of the generator, pay attention to observe the instrument, find abnormal, immediately stop the check, repair before continuing to work.

10. If you want to check the commutator and slip ring during operation, you should wear insulating gloves, rubber shoes, and add rubber pads on the floor near the excitation machine and rotor and slip ring before you can carry out.

11. The temperature of the generator during operation shall not exceed the value specified by the original manufacturer. If the temperature is too high, it should be stopped for inspection and can continue to work after troubleshooting.

12, the internal machine used by the generator should be executed in accordance with the safety technical operating procedures of the internal combustion engine.

The above experience is summarized from the preparation work before the use of the generator, to the precautions during the use of the generator, and then to the preparation and use of the generator accessories, hoping to help the generator technical operation novice.

For more questions about the generator set, please call the Beidou Power team. More than ten years of professional production and sales of power generation equipment experience, more professional engineer team to serve you, choose Beidou power choice rest assured, welcome on-site factory inspection.

Post time: Jul-24-2024