Diesel generator cooling form introduction

What are the common cooling forms of diesel generator sets? About this problem diesel generator set we take you to understand in detail.


1, diesel generator manufacturer: air cooling.

Air cooling is a fan blowing method that uses cold air to blow the diesel generator set, the stator and rotor of the generator set, so as to achieve heat dissipation of the equipment. The cold air becomes hot air after absorbing heat, and after the breath between the stator and the rotor is initially merged, it is discharged in the air duct through the iron core, and the cooling effect is achieved through the cooler equipment. The cooled air is then sent to the generator by the fan for internal circulation to achieve the purpose of heat dissipation. The method of air cooling is generally suitable for medium and small synchronous diesel generator sets.

2, diesel generator manufacturers: hydrogen cooling.

Hydrogen cooling is made of hydrogen as a cooling medium, the heat dissipation performance of hydrogen is better than that of air, and most large turbine generator groups use hydrogen cooling.

3, diesel generator manufacturers: water cooling.

The realization of water cooling is through the use of stator and rotor double water cooling method. Cold water of the stator water system The external water system flows through the water pipe to the inlet ring installed on the stator several seats, flows through the insulated pipe to each coil, absorbs heat, and then summarizes through the insulated water pipe to the outlet ring installed on the frame. Through this process, the external water system is discharged for cooling. Diesel generator manufacturers pointed out that because the heat dissipation performance of water is higher than that of air and hydrogen, water cooling is more widely used in modern industrial construction and is used by many large, medium and type generator manufacturers’ generator sets.

Post time: May-24-2024