I, ante institutionem olei sentinam, reprehendo an exemplar et specifications sunt rectam, et removere anti-rubigo oleum, in crassitudine et non run in loco, obstringere ut ne nimis tenuis et non est uniformis ne damnum ad oleum sentinam.
II, in rudis filter core in oleum sentinam iungo est facile ad clausus per wadding et alii lutum, ut reprehendo et mundum frequenter, in filter damnum esse reparari vel reponi in tempore.
III. Si est a rubber signing fabrica inter manus oleum sentinam Piston et manus oleum sentinam corpus in oleum sentinam, non removere eam ad voluntatem, et in anulum debet reponi in tempore, si est quassatas.
4. Beidou power tip: the hand oil pump must be pressed back after use, and the button must be tightened to prevent the hand oil pump and the rubber ring or the ball valve and the seat from being compressed and resulting in air intake or oil leakage.
V. ensure normalis elasticitas de "quattuor fontes" de plunger type oleum pump. Quod "quattuor fontes" sunt piston vere, Tappet (cylindro) vere, oleum in livore valvae vere, oleum outlet valvae vere, vere elasticity infirmata aut confringetur in tempore vel padded temperatio.
VI, ut signantes gasket integrum, plastic circulum Disassembly tempora non nimium et debet reponi semper.
VII, quod oleum sentinam sentinam corpus habet oleum exhaurire foraminis, in partes foraminis est facere oleum pump Leak a parva moles Diesel directe ex sentinam. Et foraminis non obstructa ne Diesel oleum ex intrantes oleum Pan de iniectio sentinam ad dilutionem lubricating oleum.
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Post tempus: Nov, 15-2024