Quam ut Reperio Leakage Point et Pondigo de True Diesel generantis Set

The fuel supply system of the diesel generator set has a low pressure oil circuit and a high pressure oil circuit, the low pressure oil circuit refers to a section of the oil circuit from the tank to the low pressure oil chamber of the injection pump, the high pressure oil circuit refers to a section of the oil circuit from the plunger chamber of the high pressure pump to the injection nozzle, in the supply system of the plunger pump, the high pressure oil circuit will Non enim aeris infiltration, ibi est Leak punctum, quae non solum ad leakage of cibus et inveniam viam ad angustos ad Leak punctum.


Diesel generator fuel supply system low-pressure oil circuit mostly use soft hose, hose is easy to produce friction with parts, resulting in oil leakage and intake, oil leakage is easier to find, and a damaged intake in the pipeline is not easy to find, the following is the method to determine the low-pressure oil leakage point search.

Modum I: De Aeris in oleum Circuit est exhausit, et post engine est started, in leakage of Diesel est inventus, id est, quod sita est.

Modus II De iudicando Leak Point: discoperiet exhauriunt screw de iniectio sentinam in Diesel generans posuit et sentinam oleum cum manual oleum sentinam. If it is found that the oil flow of a large number of bubbles begins to discharge at the vent screw, and after repeated hand pumping, the bubbles still do not disappear, it can be determined that there is a leak point in the negative pressure oil circuit from the oil tank to the oil pump section, the section of pipeline should be removed, and then the pressure gas should be passed through, and placed in the water to find the bubbling place. Quod suus 'ubi Leak est.

Praeter Pipeline problems, variis gaskets ad Pipeline articulis potest etiam Leak Ob improprium installation, deformatio, canus damnum, etc., et facti Leak puncta. Ante detailed inspectionem Pipeline, reprehendo his nodis prius.

In durum oleum pipe extra lacus est plerumque minus pronus ad defectum, et postquam supra inspectionem non inveniet Leak punctum, potest esse sedatus postea.


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Post tempus: Dec-18-2024