Synchronous generantis characteres

The external characteristics of the synchronous generator generally refer to the internal potential unchanged, when the load current changes, the generator terminal voltage change curve, mainly to test the vertical axis synchronous reactance of the generator, that is, the internal impedance of the generator, is an important indicator of the load capacity of the synchronous generator. Sed nunc synchronous generantibus plerumque uti thyristor ieiunium excitationem et damping curva, eius longitudinalis axis synchroneus reactance est maxime transiens valorem, multo minus quam stabilis statu valorem. In addition, due to the regulating role of the excitation system, the external characteristics can be artificially manufactured, can be positive or negative, positive external characteristics is the machine end voltage with the load current growth and decrease, negative is the machine end voltage with the load current growth and increase, the general excitation system can be adjusted in the range of plus or minus 15%.


Insulation coordination: The voltage protection level of the electrical primary system, in the case of lightning strikes, operating overvoltage, the insulation level of the conventional transformer, generator, line is not enough to fight, the need for lightning arrester, capacitor and other components for protection, the action value of the arrester, the action delay and the main equipment of the component insulation and voltage withstand capacity, especially the impact voltage Nabu resistere ad coordinationem, vocavit tincidunt coordinatio. Et postulationem est quod arresser oportet agere ante pelagus apparatu velit dampnum, et cum plures components cum diversis velit campester, diversis tutelam elementis oportet instructi ad alium components, et coordinatio horum praesidio elementa est etiam magna quaestio.


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Post tempus: Feb, 28-2025